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Fair Share


The provided resources of UBELIX are meant to be provided in a fair fashion between all cluster accounts. Every participating account is entitled for the same amount of resources. Fair-share is the largest factor in determining priority, but not the only one.

The fair-share system is designed to encourage users to balance their use of resources over time and de-prioritize users/accounts with above average usage.

Fair Share Score

Compared to a baseline, users and projects can use their fair share of resources slowly or fast for a given period. This rate is represented through the Fair Share score. The Fair Share score is a number between 0 and 1.

Generally, users and projects with a larger Fair Share score will receive a higher priority in the queue.

  • Using your share faster than your expected rate of usage will usually cause your Fair Share score to decrease. The more extreme the overuse, the more severe the likely drop.
  • Using your share slower than your expected rate of usage will usually cause your Fair Share score to increase. The more extreme the underuse, the greater the Fair Share bonus.
  • Using the cluster unevenly will cause your Fair Share score to decrease.