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Checkpointing a job means that you frequently save the job state so that you can resume computation from the last checkpoint in case of a crash. On this page we provide some useful information for making your own code checkpoint-able.

Why checkpointing is important

Imagine a job is already running for several hours when an event occurs which leads to the abortion of the job. Such events can be:

  • Exceeding the time limit
  • Exceeding allocated memory
  • Job gets preempted by another job (gpu partition only!)
  • Node failure


Some applications provide built-in checkpoint/restart mechanisms: Gaussian, Quantum Espresso, CP2K and more. Check the documentation of your application to see if checkpoiting/restarting is already supported!

General recipe for checkpointing your own code

Introducing checkpointing logic in your code consists of 3 steps

 1. Look for a state file containing a previously saved state.
 2. If a state file exists, then restore the state. Else, start from scratch.
 3. Periodically save the state.

Using UNIX signals

You can save the state of your job at specific points in time, after certain iterations, or at whatever event you choose to trigger a state saving. You can also trap specific UNIX signals and act as soon as the signal occurs. The following table lists common signals that you might want to trap in your program:

Signal Name Signal Number Description Default Disposition
SIGTERM 15 SIGTERM initiates the termination of a process Term - Terminate the process
SIGCONT 18 SIGCONT continues a stopped process Cont - Continue the process if stopped
SIGUSR1 10 User-defined signals. SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2 are never sent by the kernel Term - Terminate the process
SIGUSR2 12 User-defined signals. SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2 are never sent by the kernel Term - Terminate the process

SLURM sends SIGCONT followed by SIGTERM just before a job is canceled. Trapping the signal (e.g. SIGTERM) gives you 60 seconds for housekeeping tasks, e.g. save current state. At the latest after that your job is canceled with SIGKILL. This is true for jobs canceled by the owner using scancel and jobs canceled by SLURM, e.g. because of exceeding time limit.


See kill -l for a list of all supported signals. Note that some signals cannot be trapped, e.g SIGKILL

Register a signal handler for a UNIX signal

The following examples show how to register a signal handler in different languages, but omit the logic for creating a checkpoint and restart a job from an existing checkpoint. We will provide a working example further down below on this page.



function signal_handler {
  # Save program state and exit

trap signal_handler TERM


#include <signal.h>  // C
#include <csignal>   // C++

void signal_handler(int signal) {
  // Save program state and exit

// Register signal handler for SIGTERM
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);  // signal_handler: function to handle signal


#! /usr/bin/env python
import signal
import sys

def signal_handler(sig, frame):
  # Save program state and exit

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)

Signaling checkpoint creation without canceling the job

SLURM distinguishes between the job script, its child processes and job steps. Job steps are launched using srun.

All applications which should reveive more signals than the default SIGERM at the end of the job, does need to be started using srun. Then signals (here SIGUSR1) can be send using:

scancel --signal=USR1 <jobID>

If you need/want to handle signals with the batch script, add --batch (signals only to the batch script) or --full (signal to all steps and the batch script), e.g.

scancel --full --signal=USR1 <jobid>

Therewith, you can use a UNIX signal to trigger the creation of a checkpoint of a running job. For example, consider a job that traps SIGUSR1 and saves intermediate results as soon as the signal occurs. You can then create a checkpoint by signaling SIGUSR1 to the job.


Using scancel with the --signal option won’t terminate the job or job step.