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Account and Activation


The cluster is meant to be used for research related to the University of Bern. Before you can use this service your Campus Account (CA) need to be activated for UBELIX. Please respect the Code of Conduct

Account activation

To request the activation of your Campus Account, please send a request via including:

  • the title HPC Account Activation
  • a brief description of what you want to use the cluster for

If you possess multiple Campus Accounts (staff and student) use your staff account since this one is more specific. As soon as we get your email we will activate your account for UBELIX. Once activated, you will receive a confirmation email containing initial instructions

Mailing List

The official channel for informing the UBELIX community about upcoming events (e.g. maintenance) and other important news is our mailing list. Sign up to receive information on what’s going on on the cluster: