Array Jobs with Slurm
Array jobs are jobs where the job setup, including job size, memory, time etc. is constant, but the application input varies. One use case are parameter studies.
Instead of submitting N jobs independently, you can submit one array job unifying N jobs. These provide advantages in the job handling as well as for the SLURM scheduler.
Submitting an Array
To submit an array job, specify the number of tasks as a range of task IDs using the –array option:
#SBATCH --array=n[,k[,...]][-m[:s]]%<max_tasks>
The task id range specified in the option argument may be:
- comma separated list of values:
#SBATCH --array=1,3,5
- simple range of the form n-m:
#SBATCH --array=201-300
(201, 202, 203, …, 300) - range with a step size s:
#SBATCH --array=100-200:2
(100, 102, 104, … 200) - combination thereof:
#SBATCH --array=1,3,100-200
(1, 3, 100, 101, 102, …, 200)
Furthermore, the amount of concurent running jobs can limited using the %
seperator, e.g. for max 100 concurrent jobs of 1-400: #SBATCH --array=1-400%100
. Therewith you can prevent fully filling your available resources.
The task IDs will be exported to the job tasks via the environment variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
. Additionally, SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MAX
are available in job, describing the task range of the job.
Specifying --array=10
will not submit an array job with 10 tasks, but an array job with a single task with task id 10. To run an array job with multiple tasks you must specify a range or a comma separated list of task ids.
Output files
Per default the output files are named as slurm-<jobid>_<taskid>.out
. When renaming the output/error files variables for the job ID (%A
) and for the task ID (%a
) can be used. For example:
#SBATCH --output=array_example_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --error=array_example_%A_%a.err
will be written for the 12th task of job 6543212.
Canceling Individual Tasks
You can cancel individual tasks of an array job by indicating tasks ids to the scancel command:
$ squeue --me
79265_[49-99:2%20] test Simple H foo PD 0:00 1 (QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit)
79265_41 test Simple H foo R 0:10 1 fnode03
79265_43 test Simple H foo R 0:10 1 fnode03
79265_45 test Simple H foo R 0:10 1 fnode03
79265_47 test Simple H foo R 0:10 1 fnode03
Use the --array
option to the squeue command to display one tasks per line:
$ squeue --me --array
79265_65 test Simple H foo PD 0:00 1 (QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit)
79265_67 test Simple H foo PD 0:00 1 (QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit)
79265_69 test Simple H foo PD 0:00 1 (QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit)
79265_97 test Simple H foo PD 0:00 1 (QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit)
79265_57 test Simple H foo R 0:47 1 fnode03
79265_59 test Simple H foo R 0:47 1 fnode03
79265_61 test Simple H foo R 0:47 1 fnode03
79265_63 test Simple H foo R 0:47 1 fnode03
Use case 1: 1000 computations, same resource requirements, different input/output arguments
Instead of submitting 1000 individual jobs, submit a single array jobs with 1000 tasks:
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 # Each task takes max 30 minutes
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G # Each task uses max 2G of memory
#SBATCH --array=1-1000 # Submit 1000 tasks with task ID 1,2,...,1000.
# The name of the input files must reflect the task ID!
srun ./foo input_data_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.txt > output_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.txt
Task with ID 20 will run the program foo with the following arguments: ./foo input_data_20.txt > output_20.txt
Use case 2: Read arguments from file
Submit an array job with 1000 tasks. Each task executes the program foo with different arguments:
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 # Each task takes max 30 minutes
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G # Each task uses max 2G of memory
### Submit 1000 tasks with task ID 1,2,...,1000. Run max 20 tasks concurrently
#SBATCH --array=1-1000%20
### args.txt contains 1000 lines with 2 arguments per line.
### Line <i> contains arguments for run <i>
# Get first argument
param_a=$(cat $param_store | awk -v var=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID 'NR==var {print $1}')
# Get second argument
param_b=$(cat $param_store | awk -v var=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID 'NR==var {print $2}')
### Input files are named input_run_0001.txt,...input_run_1000.txt
### Zero pad the task ID to match the numbering of the input files
n=$(printf "%04d" $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID)
srun ./foo -c $param_a -p $param_b -i ${data_dir}/input_run_${n}.txt -o ${result_dir}/result_run_${n}.txt