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AlphaFold3 is a cutting-edge AI system developed by DeepMind for predicting protein structures with high accuracy. Building on its predecessors, AlphaFold3 integrates additional molecular modeling capabilities, making it a powerful tool for structural biology research.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up and running AlphaFold3 on UBELIX using Slurm.

Directory Structure Setup

Before running AlphaFold3, set up the necessary directory structure.

  1. Choose a suitable location for AlphaFold3. For example:
    export AF3_ROOT=~/alphafold3/
  2. Create the required directories:
    mkdir -p $AF3_ROOT
    mkdir -p $AF3_ROOT/input             # Store input JSON files
    mkdir -p $AF3_ROOT/output            # Store generated structure outputs
    mkdir -p $AF3_ROOT/model_parameters  # Store downloaded model parameters
    mkdir -p $AF3_ROOT/databases         # Store public databases

Cloning the AlphaFold3 Repository

Clone the official AlphaFold3 source code from GitHub:

cd $AF3_ROOT
git clone src

Creating the Slurm Submission Script

Create a Slurm submission script (e.g., for running AlphaFold3 on a GPU node.

  1. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd $AF3_ROOT
  2. Create and add the following content:
    #SBATCH --job-name="alphafold3_job"
    #SBATCH --time=01:00:00
    #SBATCH --partition=gpu
    #SBATCH --gres=gpu:rtx4090:1
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
    #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=5760M
    module load CUDA/12.6
    singularity exec \
         --nv \
         --bind $PWD/input:/root/af_input \
         --bind $PWD/output:/root/af_output \
         --bind $PWD/model_parameters:/root/models \
         --bind $PWD/databases:/root/public_databases \
         /storage/software/singularity/containers/alphafold3.sif \
         python src/ \
         --json_path=/root/af_input/fold_input.json \
         --model_dir=/root/models \
         --db_dir=/root/public_databases \
  3. Save and close the file

Downloading Public Databases

AlphaFold3 requires publicly available databases for structure prediction.

Danger: Very large databases

The AlphaFold3 databases are nearly 650GB in size. To avoid redundant downloads and conserve storage, it is recommended that a single copy be maintained in a shared workspace for the entire lab. Check with colleagues and supervisors if a copy of the databases is already accessible to you!

If the public databases are already available, simply create a symbolic link to their location:

cd $AF3_ROOT
ln -s /path/to/workspace/databases databases
  1. Navigate to the shared workspace to store the dabases, e.g.:
    cd /path/to/workspace/alphafold3/databases
  2. Download the database fetch script:
  3. Make the script executable and run it:
    chmod u+x
    ./ databases
  4. Continue with lining existing databases
    cd $AF3_ROOT
    ln -s /path/to/workspace/databases databases
  1. Navigate to the AlphaFold3 project directory:
    cd $AF3_ROOT
  2. Download the database fetch script:
  3. Make the script executable and run it:
    chmod u+x
    ./ databases

Downloading Model Parameters

AlphaFold3 model parameters need to be downloaded separately. To request access to the model parameters, please complete this form. Access will be granted at Google DeepMindā€™s sole discretion. You may only use AlphaFold 3 model parameters if received directly from Google. Use is subject to these terms of use.

Ensure they are stored in the model_parameters directory:

cd $AF3_ROOT/model_parameters
# Download and extract model parameters following official AlphaFold3 instructions.

Preparing Input File

AlphaFold3 requires a JSON input file containing sequence and configuration details. Create an input file at input/fold_input.json:


  "name": "2PV7",
  "sequences": [
      "protein": {
        "id": ["A", "B"],
  "modelSeeds": [1],
  "dialect": "alphafold3",
  "version": 1

Submitting the Job

Once everything is set up, submit the job to Slurm:


Output Location

Once the job is complete, the predicted structures will be available in:
